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Szepesi György

I'm George Szepesi, a painter. I was born on 14, April 1958 in Budapest. Visualization was an integral part of my childhood. My dad taught me how to photograph and take pictures (also colored), so photography was soon a favorite area of mine. My studies and my work took me onto a path, where art and material creation avoided me. I have studied Science, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (ELTE TTK Mathematics and Physics 1983, ELTE TTK Astronomy 1986).

In 1988, at the age of 30, I met painting, and I fell in love with it in a very short time (one hour) and immediately started learning it. Two years later I participated in group exhibitions, and after that my own exhibitions also took place (1994 Cinema Square, 1995 Tulip Café, 1998 Lajtay Exhibition Hall, 2003 Market Gallery, 2004 Derkovits Gallery, 2005 Chaplin Café).

My themes are mixed. At first I painted esoterical pictures with acrylics, later on women and then landscapes in Greece, now my interest has shifted strongly towards abstract painting.

For me, the purpose of painting is self-expression, I do not want to attribute meaning to my paintings, I do not want to "talk about something", rather to catch emotions, to have an effect on the viewer's emotional state.

My works

How I create
All rights reserved — © George Szepesi, 2018